How To Select Earrings To Wear

Earrings are an amazing way to perk up the face, these can make one look classy as well as fabulous. You need to be careful not only to wear earrings which are in style but also tend to not suit you. You need to keep in mind some things when selecting the correct pair.

Read on to find out more.

Matching Earrings To Face Shape

With the help of earrings, you can make the face actually appear wide, thin, long and fat depending upon the shape of your face. After figuring out the shape of your face, you can then check out which shaped earrings will look better on you.

An Inverted Triangle Shaped Face- For those whose forehead tends to be the widest part of their face, then tapering down going to a narrower and pointy chin, your face is an inverted triangle type of face shape. If you want to balance this shaped face then select earrings which de-emphasize your wide forehead, moreover develop the illusion of width particularly at the jawline. For this, chandelier and teardrop earrings can look good.

An Oval Face- If you have an oval face that is like an egg then nearly every shape can look good. Nevertheless, triangular earrings and simple studs can show off the wonderful cheekbones you have in a better way.

A Round Face- If the face is widest at the cheekbones having no taper specifically to the chin, this is a round face. With the help of drop and dangle earrings, the face can appear elongated and also made to look slimmer. Try and not wear large circular earrings, button studs plus hoops that will emphasize the roundness. Even avoid drop earrings that have a dangling round disc. This roundness will also make the face look rounder.

A Heart Shaped Face- If the forehead is wider in comparison to the cheeks moreover the lower half area of the face narrows similar to a heart, the face is then heart-shaped. You can counterbalance the sharp chin with the help of chandelier and teardrop earrings. Those earrings which are wider particularly at the bottom in comparison to the top, aid in filling in the lower area of the face. Therefore, the face is more balanced.

A Long And Narrow Face- For those who have a face that is long and thin, select earrings which emphasize your face’s width. Consider studs, clustered earrings, hoops, or short dangles that are medium to large in size. Round earrings can widen the face allowing it to appear fuller.

A Square Face- If you have wide square jaws (the forehead plus jawline tend to be similar widths) you can soften your face’s hard edges. Choose earrings which are medium to long having rounded edges. Earrings that are oval shaped can soften things up. Circular earrings, as well as, hoop earrings look good too. Avoid square studs and any type of earring which has a square because this reinforces the squareness.

Consider the above points when selecting amazing earrings to buy according to the shape of your face.

Astrid Schumacher is an innovative Swiss-born former model. She designs jewelry along with fashion accessories. These are attractively inspired by cultures of India and Indonesia.

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